The Telugu film industry was buzzing with excitement as the much-awaited audio launch of NTR biopic took place on Tuesday. The event was a star-studded affair with the presence of some of the biggest names in the South Indian film industry. But what caught everyone’s attention was the emotional speech given by the legendary actress, Vidya Balan, who plays the role of NTR’s wife, Basavatarakam in the film.
As soon as Vidya Balan took the stage, the entire auditorium was filled with an aura of reverence and admiration. She spoke about how honored she felt to be a part of such a prestigious project and how she had always been a huge fan of NTR and his work. Her emotional words left the audience teary-eyed and the atmosphere was filled with a sense of nostalgia.
But the real highlight of the event was when Naidu, the director of the film, took the stage. He was visibly emotional and his eyes were filled with tears as he spoke about the journey of making this film. He thanked everyone who had been a part of this project and gave a special mention to the lead actor, Balakrishna, who portrays the role of NTR in the film.
Naidu’s speech was followed by a series of loud cheers from the audience as some of the biggest names in the film industry took the stage to express their support and admiration for the film. Pawan Kalyan, Chiranjeevi, and Rajinikanth were among the few who graced the event and their presence added to the grandeur of the evening.
Pawan Kalyan, who is known for his powerful speeches, did not disappoint as he took the stage. He spoke about how NTR had been an inspiration to him and how he had always looked up to him as a role model. His words were met with thunderous applause and the audience couldn’t help but cheer for the actor.
Chiranjeevi, who is also a close friend of Naidu, was next to take the stage. He spoke about the bond he shared with NTR and how he had always been in awe of his talent and charisma. He also praised Balakrishna for his dedication and hard work in portraying the role of his father on the big screen.
The evening reached its peak when the one and only Rajinikanth took the stage. The superstar, who is known for his larger-than-life persona, had the audience on their feet as he spoke about NTR’s legacy and how he had left an indelible mark in the film industry. His words were met with loud cheers and whistles from the audience, proving once again why he is a true superstar.
The event ended on a high note with the entire cast and crew of the film coming together on stage for a group photo. The excitement and energy in the auditorium were palpable as everyone left with a sense of pride and anticipation for the release of the film.
The audio launch of NTR biopic was not just a star-studded event, but it was also a testament to the impact that NTR had on the film industry and the people who knew him. It was a night filled with emotions, love, and admiration for the legendary actor and his legacy. With such a strong team and a powerful subject, it is safe to say that NTR biopic is going to be a blockbuster and a fitting tribute to the man who continues to inspire generations.